- “Terrestrial and freshwater mollusks on the University of Tsukuba Campus, Tsukuba city (in Japanese with English Abstract)”, Noriaki NAMBA, Wataru MUKAIMINE, Takuma HAGA, and Ikuyo SAEKI, Chiribotan.
- “Digging out intersexual and meteorological effects on cicada emergence using 10-year citizen monitoring”, Wataru MUKAIMINE, Kazutaka KAWATSU, and Yukihiko TOQUENAGA, Ecological Entomology. Behind-the-scenes.
- “Prey–predator interactions and body size relationships between annual cicadas and spiders in Japan”, Yuya SUZUKI and Wataru MUKAIMINE, Journal of Natural History. Behind-the-scenes.
- “Effects of Female Hind Legs on Interspecific Mating in Callosobruchus Species” (in Japanese with English Abstract), Wataru MUKAIMINE and Yukihiko TOQUENAGA, Japanese Journal of Ecology.
- “Intraspecific variation of reproductive interference capability in Callosobruchus species”, Wataru MUKAIMINE and Yukihiko TOQUENAGA, Evolutionary Ecology, Behind-the-scenes.
In press
Under review / in preparation
- Chinatsu NAKAJIMA et al., (in Japanese; in review)
- Wataru MUKAIMINE and Yukihiko TOQUENAGA, (in prep.).
- “Do Female’s Hind Legs Determine the Intensity of Reproductive Interference?: Empirical Study Using Bean Beetles”, Wataru MUKAIMINE and Yukihiko TOQUENAGA, ESJ67th, Nagoya, Japan
- “Within- and between-generation effects from larval resource competition to adults reproductive interference”, Wataru MUKAIMINE and Yukihiko TOQUENAGA, ESJ67th, Nagoya, Japan
- “長期時系列データでアブラゼミの羽化に迫る”, Wataru MUKAIMINE, Kazutaka KAWATSU, and Yukihiko TOQUENAGA, JSEEZ31, Tsuchiura, Japan
- “Larval resource competition alters capability of adult reproductive interference”, Wataru MUKAIMINE and Yukihiko TOQUENAGA, ESEB2019, Turku, Finland
- “Larval competition molds male harm at the imaginal stage in evolutionary experiments”, Wataru MUKAIMINE and Yukihiko TOQUENAGA, AsiaEvo2021, Tokyo, Japan
- “IBM meets EDM: extracting the hidden causality”, Wataru MUKAIMINE, Yukihiko TOQUENAGA, ESJ68th, Okayama, Japan
- “Close yet Far: Interspecific Copulation and Sexual Conflict”, Wataru MUKAIMINE and Yukihiko TOQUENAGA, PE36th, Sendai, Japan
- “Being Dumbledore’s Army”, Yuto NAKAIZUMI, Wataru MUKAIMINE, and Yukihiko TOQUENAGA, SWARM2019, Okinawa, Japan
- “Coevolution of larval and adult competition”, Hiroki YAGI and Wataru MUKAIMINE, PE35th, Kyoto, Japan
- “自由研究を科学研究に昇華させる: 長期アブラゼミ羽化時系列を用いた時系列解析”, Wataru MUKAIMINE, Kazutaka, KAWATSU, and Yukihiko Toquenaga, PE35th, Kyoto, Japan
- “Deconstruction of reproductive interference traits”, Wataru MUKAIMINE and Yukihiko TOQUENAGA, ESJ66th, Kobe, Japan
- “Terrestrial and Freshwater Mollusks on the University of Tsukuba Campus”, Ikuyo SAEKI, Noriaki NAMBA, and Wataru MUKAIMINE, 17th World Lake Conference, Ibaraki, Japan
- “¬「嫌よ嫌よも好きのうち」”, Wataru MUKAIMINE and Yukihiko TOQUENAGA, JES37th, Kyoto, Japan
- “筑波大学の陸産および淡水産貝類相”, Ikuyo SAEKI, Noriaki NAMBA, and Wataru MUKAIMINE, MSJ30, Tokyo, Japan
- “もちろんうちらは抵抗するで?キックで。”, Wataru MUKAIMINE and Yukihiko TOQUENAG, ESJ65, Sapporo, Japan
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